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Emerging Trend:
Valves for Hydrogen & Carbon Capture
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By understanding the emerging trends and activity surrounding carbon capture and valves for hydrogen gas, you will also learn about and lead the way in transitioning away from fossil fuels to clean energy.
Join the team at Peerless and our partners at Oliver Valves, an industry leader in valve manufacturing, as we discuss the importance of net zero emissions of industrial users, as well as, global activity of valve technologies that support those targets.
Experts at Oliver Hydcovalves will lead the conversation and introduce the new direction dedicated to building a sustainable future and creating positive change with valve solutions in the Global Energy Sector. Hear them speak about:
– Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) use and solutions that support the Energy Transition
– The major transition away from fossil fuels and the Hydrogen route to clean energy
– Hydrogen production, storage, distribution and transport
– Pipeline valve solutions for the hydrogen markets
– Insight in CCS and H2 projects by country
Download the recording!
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As a leader in industrial process solutions, we uphold the importance of building safe, reliable piping systems engineered to be efficient and sustainable for years to come.
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