Top 6 Best Practices for Steam Hose
Steam hoses are valued worldwide for their quality and durability, and can carry pressures of at least 250 psi and temperatures up to 450F.
So what can you do to get the maximum life out of your steam hose assembly? Follow these six best practices to get started:
1. Crimped-On Hose Couplings
If a steam hose coupling blows off the hose under pressure, the potential for serious injury is significant, therefore the coupling you choose is extremely important.
Crimping has become the preferred method for steam hose assemblies and crimped couplings were specifically designed to combat this effect. A crimped coupling is a permanent attachment which reduces potential for leaks and blowouts and eliminates the need to retighten clamps. It forms a tight crimp that reduces leaks and eliminates bulky bolt clamps, while reducing potential for damage from snagging.

2. Tagging/Marking
Most steam hoses will last about 3-5 years (depending on the application) before they need to be replaced, so knowing when they went into service is important. Tag the hose with important information such as order specifications to help the operator locate documentation when they need it. Ask your supplier to etch the coupling of each hose with a serial/location number to help with tracking and record keeping.
3. Color Coding
It’s a good practice to use a different color hose for each application. Most hose fabricators can suggest a good color-coding system which adds an extra layer of safety and protection to your operations.

4. Safety Cables
Steam hose failures can cause catastrophic consequences so it’s important to install OSHA-approved safety cables at every junction in order to prevent the hose from whipping around if the couplings should ever disconnect.

5. Maintenance, Inspection and Storage
Maintenance should be done regularly by a qualified inspector and can help maximize the life of a hose. It is important to inspect each hose before and after use. If a hose shows sign of possible damage, it should be replaced immediately to avoid steam hose failure. Signs of trouble include (but are not limited to):
- Blisters, abnormalities
- Areas of hardening or inflexibility
- Kinks or flattening
- Loose fittings
- Actual steam leakage
If you have a hose that is deemed questionable, call your provider and ask that they come in and inspect. If they need to be sent back for additional pressure testing, they should be able to do it safely in a contained test-tank.
Steam hoses should be stored at normal temperatures and drained after each use. If you are storing the hose on a hose rack, be careful to avoid kinks or bends in the hose which can cause damage to the steel reinforcement.

A Hose Reel is a great way to safely store a hose when not in use for applications that have a high rate of attachment/detachment and in high traffic areas. They can both extend the life of the hose and improve safety and productivity.
6. Selecting a Hose Fabricator
Always work with a hose fabricator that is NAHAD certified. This means their hose shop has met quality standards and the equipment they are using has been carefully assembled and tested.
It also means they are committed to using their safety guidelines and qualifications; giving you peace of mind and confidence in your hose assembly.
Peerless is a NAHAD certified hose fabricator and we stock steam hoses and fittings. All hoses are customized to meet customer specifications in size, length, material and fitting.
We pressure test, inspect, and tag every hose to ensure its safety and reliability, using a stainless steel hydro-test structure and pressure measurement system before it leaves our facility guaranteeing its performance.
If you have any questions, feel free to send us an inquiry online or call us at 1-800-234-3033 and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
*REF: NAHAD The Association for Hose and Accessories Distribution website.