Avoiding Hidden Pitfalls in Challenging Valve Specifications

Among the many reasons your best customers continue to come back to you for their custom-build engineered systems is likely that you work hard to fabricate to their demand. Often times this means having that 6th sense of knowing what they actually need, when they know only what they actually want

Because the valves required to build these systems can represent a relatively large-spend category – and because your customers continue to throw ever-increasingly challenging requirements your way – today we’re going to focus specifically on that huge pile of valve specifications.

Certified Material Test Reports

A CMTR to EN 10204 3.1 is the single most requested supporting document in the industry. While there are certain items that are required by all manufacturers to include on this report, not all CMTRs are created equally. Some manufacturers actually decide to report MORE than they are required; to name just a few:

  • Test Duration for Hydro Test
  • Country of Origin (including Melt Source)
  • Chemical Analysis above and beyond the Body and Bonnet (i.e. Stem, Disc, Hardware, etc)

Why is this important? Many times, the “additional” testing requirements that lurk in the shadows of the valve and piping specs have already been accounted for, and if you know where to look (and whom to look for) a great deal of time and money can be save.

While some might simply love to add on the up charges, we would prefer that you are lead to the best-fit manufacturers for the project at hand.

One word of extreme caution: If and when you see a requirement for EN10204 3.2, this is a significant game-changer as it requires all items to be 3rd party inspected at the mill level.

Trim Designation

Trim Designation for Gates, Globes & Checks is study of its own. The most common – and clearly defining – way to call out a trim level is by using the numerical chart established as part of API-600.

Understanding terms like FHF (Full Hard Faced is where the seat and disc have both been coated with Stellite) and HHF (Half Hard Faced where only the seat has been coated) can help speed the read.

The most popular Trim levels we see are listed below, with description:

Carbon Steel
Full Hard Faced
Carbon Steel
Half-Hard Faced
316 Stainless
316 Stainless
Half-Hard Faced
316 Stainless
Full Hard Faced

*It is important to note that although many valve specifications have a provision to allow an upgrade (moving from Trim 8 to 5 or Trim 12 to 16), rarely do they allow for the “downgrade” without approval.

Additional Testing / NDE

This is an area that can drive the cost of a single valve to a figure of 10x or greater in some of the most demanding projects, especially where radiography and ultrasonic testing might be required. 

If you are working from “searchable” documents, we’ve found that it helps to have several keywords at the ready to help search for those hidden nuggets that can really change the game.

Terms like “Radiography,” “RT,” “Ultrasonic,” “UT,” “PMI,” “Additional Hydro” etc. can help you immediately identify areas of concern. Of course, this is not to discount the importance of a comprehensive spec review, just a helpful place start as you get a better understanding of what you’re up against.

Country of Origin

We have found certain terms mean different things to different people. It is extremely important to have a clear and concise understanding of exactly what the true requirements are.

Some terms that require a deeper dive include:

  • Sourced from…
  • Manufactured in…
  • No Raw Materials from…
  • Melt Source of…
  • Does “No China” affect Valves manufactured in Taiwan?

Summary – Cautionary Note

In this post, we have only touched the surface here of what you can expect to uncover as you peel back the onion that is a 750-page valve & piping spec; it is important that you have a supplier base that you trust to have the willingness and ability to help you steer clear of trouble and again, find the most suitable manufacturing partner(s) for the job at hand.  

At Peerless, our team of trained application engineers and product specialists have the expertise to help with any and all requests to help with your next challenge. If you have any questions, feel free to send an inquiry online or call us at 1-800-234-3033 to talk to one of our specialists.