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Power Generation
With consequences including blackouts, environmental damage and a great loss of revenue, Peerless offers an extensive list of solutions and services for even the most crucial moments including:
- High pressure instrumentation
- 200°F steam hose for the cleaning of tanks, buildings and equipment
- Gauge glass to your specifications
- Valves including relief, actuation, gate, globe, check, and ball valves
- Metal Hose and Expansion Joints
Expansion Joints vs. Metal Hose
Braided metal hose assemblies and expansion joints are very similar in characteristics, however it is the difference in construction that determines which type is best for particular applications.
In this article, we take a look at both types and compare their similarities.

Why Choose Peerless?
As a leader in industrial process solutions, we uphold the importance of building safe, reliable piping systems engineered to be efficient and sustainable for years to come.
- ISO 9001:2015 Certified
- On-Time Quotes
- Quick Turnaround Times
- On-Time Deliveries
- Application Engineering Support
- Extensive Partnerships
- Advanced ERP & MRP Systems
- 3D CAD/CAM Software
- AML Friendly
- On-Line Chat Support